In the past, the word narcissist was used to insult somebody who might be very selfish or self-absorbed, full of themselves. It wasn't the clinical term that we use today. Now we talk about Narcissistic Personality Disorder as a type of mental illness.
There are narcissistic people in your everyday life and you don't even realize it. It is important to know when you are dealing with someone like this so you can prevent yourself from bearing the likely abuse or manipulation.
The purpose of this blog is not really to determine if your partner is a narcissist, but rather to expose you to the information so that you can decide on your own if you think your partner might be a narcissist.
It is essential for you to see for yourself if your partner is indeed a person with some narcissistic issues. If you can make that determination for yourself then you must take action, you must take responsibility.
If someone tells you that your partner is a narcissist then it is much easier to blow it off as someone else's opinion. Let's keep in mind that this is just an observational diagnosis for the purpose of managing your everyday life. This is in no way to replace a professional, clinical diagnosis.
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