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Writer's pictureLoveOn Tobias

Love's Tarot Journal: Knight of Pentacles

Patience, Stability, financial gain, career-focused, ambitious, dependable, healing, focus



Green Aventurine: stability, grounding, healing, practicality, perseverance, optimism, focus

Use this soothing crystal for support when seeking to manifest abundance, growth, and prosperity in your life. Green Aventurine is a great crystal for enhancing your luck and success, especially in money matters. It supports the evolution of positive habits and attitudes, such as perseverance, confidence, and optimism. All of these are qualities are necessary for personal growth and development, in addition to, reliability, responsibility, and practicality. Green Aventurine's grounding properties will reinforce a more confident approach to life's challenges and tasks with a razor focus. As a stone of abundance and luck, Green Aventurine can amplify your efforts in achieving material success and prosperity. This crystal's vibration supports you in your intention to make well-informed decisions while considering practicality and long-term outcomes. Carry or wear this crystal to provide emotional support during challenging times, helping you maintain a positive and optimistic outlook.

Healing Herb

White Sage: cleansing, purification, healing, grounding, stabilizing, mental clarity, focus, safety

smoking white sage bundle cleaning a quartz crystal

Since ancient times dried White Sage leaf bundles have been traditionally burned for various purposes including healing and purification rituals. When White Sage is burned it emits an pleasant fragrance. This act of burning sage is commonly referred to as "smudging." To smudge one gathers the dried leaves into a bundle. Ignites them. The resulting smoke is then gently wafted around a space, object or person in order to cleanse and purify it from any energy or unwanted influences. White sage holds a revered place due to its grounding and stabilizing properties. When one burns a white sage smudge they instantly feel at home and secure. Its burning is believed to aid in clarity and focus while also being associated with practicality and dependability. Indigenous communities rely on the use of sage to eliminate negative energy and foster balance and harmony. It finds application in ceremonies, blessings, as well, as rites of passage.


Today's Journal Entry:

I know in my heart that I am meant for greater things than just to be kicked around and always serving as someone else's emotional doormat. It's just that I feel like I have been stuck here for so long. Although I am doing so many things to heal I often feel like nothing is happening. If I just give up I will never embrace the beautiful life that I know in my heart awaits me on the other side of all this shit I am stuck in. My life has been all about healing, stopping the constant pain, and making what I have endured not be in vain, that it all has a higher purpose. The hope and promise I have in my heart, that inner voice that drives me, keeps me seeking. I seek to make meaning of being a little girl who lived her entire childhood in constant fear of the next time her own father will rape her. It's actually, not an option to quit. Focusing my sight on my heart's desire is really the only option. I got this...I have no choice but to claim my future.

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