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Love's Tarot Journal: 3 of Swords

Writer: LoveOn TobiasLoveOn Tobias

Heartbreak, Betrayal, Suffering, Loss, Sadness, Disruption, need for Healing and Release

Eye catching graphic art featuring the 3 of swords



Rhodonite: forgiveness, self-love, emotional healing, compassion, restoring balance

Beautiful Rhodonite drop earrings

This beautiful crystal holds powerful properties of emotional healing and forgiveness, because of a profound betrayal experience. It's an ideal crystal to use when you need assistance in releasing resentment. It also aids in restoring self-love and compassion.

When you go through a betrayal, it can be incredibly challenging to let go of the hurt and anger that accompanies such an experience. Rhodonite steps in as a supportive ally, helping to heal emotional wounds and restore your emotional balance. It encourages the release of negative emotions and assists in the process of forgiveness, both towards oneself and the person who caused the betrayal. Rhodonite facilitates emotional healing by opening the heart chakra and allowing love to flow freely. By working with Rhodonite, one can gradually release the weight of past hurts and embrace a more loving and compassionate approach to themselves and others.


Hawthorn: heart health, emotional well-being, emotional wounds, heartbreak, comfort from loss, grief, and betrayal

Winter setting of a white barked, thorny hawthorn tree with  sparse clusters of hawthorn berries

This incredible herb possesses the ability to gently uplift our spirits and offer comfort during times of emotional upheaval. It has gained recognition, for its role in providing a feeling of well-being to those experiencing loss, grief or betrayal, acting as a soothing tonic for the heart. Its effectiveness lies in aiding the release of emotions and fostering equilibrium. By doing so, Hawthorn assists in alleviating feelings of sadness, grief or anxiety bringing forth a sense of calmness and tranquility. Additionally, it contributes to your ability to navigate through challenging encounters with increased resilience and stability. Furthermore, Hawthorn is believed to have a nourishing and safeguarding impact on the heart. It is thought to form a shield for our hearts from further harm while promoting emotional security and well-being. Hawthorn is enjoyed in forms such as teas, tinctures, capsules, or dried berries. Often combined with complimentary herbs which enhance its effects, Hawthorn supports emotional safety and heart health.


Today's Journal Entry:

I could write a hefty book on my experiences with betrayal. I could fall down a rabbit hole of anger and self-pity if I was to begin making a list. I think it is more important to focus on moving forward, and letting go of the anger so I can have the best life I can while honoring the scars in a productive way. Just to give you a quick background without going into it too much, both of my parents, each betrayed me in horrific ways. Mainly, my father tormented and raped me throughout my entire childhood. My mother did nothing to protect me but rather pushed me on him. Then, during my divorce, she paired up with my ex-husband to legally kidnap my youngest daughter. The parental alienation aspect of that experience cut my heart out every day we were separated. It was the intense torturous pain of these betrayals that broke my heart many times over. My father has long been dead and my daughter is an adult now and we are putting the fragments back together, letting go of the past while building a new relationship from where we currently are.


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