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Love's Tarot Journal: Judgment XX

Writer's picture: LoveOn TobiasLoveOn Tobias

rebirth, renewal, awakening, transformation, resurrection, clarity, reflection, evaluation, forgiveness, spiritual awakening, divine calling, second chances

Judgement XX


Judgment XX Crystal:

Seraphinite - spiritual awakening, transformation, enlightenment, life purpose, rebirth

Seraphinite Judgement XX

This striking crystal, often referred to as the "angel stone", is a relatively rare green mineral with feathery white patterns, and it is known for its distinctive appearance and powerful metaphysical properties. Because of its strong connection to higher spiritual realms, it represents a spiritual awakening and transformation. Seraphinite aids in spiritual growth and enlightenment and assists in raising your vibration and enhancing spiritual awareness. Seraphinite supports transformation by facilitating deep healing on all levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual. It helps release old patterns, traumas, and negative energies, allowing for renewal and rebirth. This crystal's energies are conducive to introspection and self-reflection. Seraphinite assists in gaining clarity about one's life purpose and aligning with one's true calling. In alternative healing practices like crystal therapy and Reiki, Seraphinite is used to balance and cleanse the energy centers (chakras) of the body. It is particularly associated with the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and forgiveness. Seraphinite is also associated with protection from negative energies and entities. Its name, "Seraphinite," is reminiscent of the Seraphim angels, known for their divine presence. This association with angels further reinforces its spiritual and protective qualities. Its historical and cultural uses in spiritual practices, healing, and protection further emphasize its role as a powerful tool for those seeking inner growth and enlightenment in line with the card's symbolism.

Judgment XX Healing Herb:

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) - spiritual awakening, life path, life purpose, spiritual realms, lucid dreaming

Blue Lotus
Blue Lotus

Also known as the Blue Water Lily or Sacred Blue Lily, is a remarkable plant with a rich history of metaphysical properties, historical significance, and cultural uses.

Blue Lotus is renowned for its ability to enhance spiritual experiences and promote a deep sense of connection to the divine. This flower signifies a spiritual awakening and the realization of your higher purpose. The use of Blue Lotus can facilitate a profound sense of spiritual clarity and insight. Blue Lotus has mild sedative properties that induce a state of relaxation and euphoria without clouding the mind, as it allows you to let go of stress and anxiety, promoting mental and emotional clarity. It is known to enhance dream experiences and promote lucid dreaming. Additionally, it encourages you to delve into your subconscious mind to gain deeper insights into your life path and choices. The Blue Lotus had significant cultural and religious importance in ancient Egypt. It was associated with the sun god Ra and was believed to have visionary and divine properties. Finally, it was considered sacred in Mayan and Aztec civilizations and was used in rituals and ceremonies. It represents both spiritual and earthly realms.


Love's Tarot Journal Entry:

Psychedelics, when used with intention, in my experience, can be a catapult down the road of healing. My Judgement XX was in my youth, in the '80s and '90s, I experimented with psychedelics as did many of my peers at the time. Back then, I didn't know where LSD and mushrooms came from. It was all recreational to us. But, then, I became a wife and a mother and therefore put these types of entertainment to the side. After learning about Ayahuasca in the 2010s I began to delve deeper into the whole idea of psychedelics as medicine for healing trauma. I watched a lot of videos and did a lot of reading on the topic. Eventually, I went to Panama and lived and worked on an Ayahuasca farm. I also traveled through the peyote deserts and psychedelic mushroom countries of Mexico. I learned that these are sacred medicines given to us by the gods and are to be respected and used with intention. I think it was around 2016 I did a rather large dose of psychedelic mushrooms. I fasted, journaled, and meditated for many hours before I took my dose. Because I was intentional, created the right setting, and prepared my heart I entered into a life-transforming experience. Since that day, I have found a growing peace and a spiritual connection that continues to heal my deep trauma wounds.

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